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Welcome to Hiirane Blog.

This blog is a personal blog. You will find stories, a youth affairs section, an education section, and other topics that interest you.

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my Journey's Photo


It was in November 2018 when I decided to travel to some regions in my country. It has a lot of history in  my country. I learned several lessons during the journey.. It started in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, while I used a car. Integration with young people and learning about their needs was a significant part of my journey.

I met organizations that worked in different sections of society, as well as doing volunteer work. Every region I visited had a lunch book. I wrote one called "U Hilli Ubadkaaga". I went to Balcad, Jowhar. Beletweyn, Dhuusa-mareeb, Adaado, Galkacyo, Garowe, Boosaaso, Hobyo, and Kismaayo.

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