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Are the security issues going to be enhanced in the community due to cooperation between the police and the community?

The police are a constituted body of persons empowered by a state with the aim of enforcing the law and protecting public order as well as the public itself. This commonly includes ensuring the safetyhealth, and possessions of citizens and preventing crime and civil disorder. By Patrick Colquhoun, founder of the Thames River Police. 


The responsibility of the police for the community.


In general, there is no unique responsibility with a standard definition, therefore the police's obligation is determined by the county policy under which they operate, except for Interpol police, which allows police in 196 member nations to collaborate to combat international crime.

As a result, here in Somalia, we have been dealing with immense insecurity concerns for quite a while. Therefore the question is: which sort of responsibility does the police have that requires community needs? So here they are.

The police are built into communities around the world, and they are meant to serve five primary roles: enforce the law, prevent crime, provide emergency response, provide support services, and protect citizens against threats that might damage human lives and properties. Together, these responsibilities are the purpose of the police.

There are several duties, but the most substantial are fundamental safety and security. The police or government should be engaged by the community.

Communities: Somali Context

In other aspects, a large proportion of Somali people are young—born within the previous 30 years, which means they have never seen the county's low-enforcement system in operation. Why am I saying this? I want to connect two angels that destroyed the system of the Somali government and those who were born after that, and how can they understand how and implement low enforcement on them while building relationships with the community and modern police in 2024? In addition to that, the Somali government decided to work effectively with the community and serve them by ensuring low enforcement.

On other aspects, which handicapped the Somali Community for years, it came across or experienced major insecurity issues and missed low enforcement since Great Somalia fell. On top of that, to this point, the Somali people had witnessed, heard, and seen different names of Islamic groups who carried a variety of ideologies, and all they wanted was to control the entire country, but that did not occur. True, some Somali territory does not reach the government since it is controlled by the Al-Shabaab Group, which does not want to see a functioning government as well as existing law and order where they are.

Fortunately, during the past decade, the Somali government has been establishing law enforcement departments in every region, while the population has attempted to adapt to and understand the police's work and responsibilities to the community. I expect to have a better understanding of how difficult it is for the Somali community and police to work together until the government develops approaches and procedures, which I will explore throughout the paper.

Ways forward approach regarding cooperation between Somalia's police and citizens.

Various methods or tactics can help the community, and the police should work with ease and cooperation. What I meant was that we have the police and the community—those who have been on sides with one another for a long time—and keep in mind that there are enemies in that part of the community that have the same race and nationality, known as the Al-Shabaab group. Here's the same approach:

o   Provide training to the community and police that covers how each one can work together as well as build trust between them.

o   Mobilizing and giving public awareness security tips to the community.

o   Training to the community, how can they report an insecurity issue, and to whom do they give the report? In addition, police officers should keep personal information secret.

o   Established platforms that discuss safety and security concerns with the face-to-face community and police officers while not recording the event.

The Somali government should understand the significance of community policing.

Community policing is, in essence, a collaboration between the police and the community that identifies and solves community problems. With the the police no longer the sole guardians of law and order; all members of the community become active allies in the effort to enhance the safety and quality of neighbourhoods. Community policing has far-reaching implications. The expanded outlook on crime control and prevention the new emphasis on making community members active participants in the process of problem-solving, and the patrol officers’ pivotal role in community policing require profound changes within the police organization. The neighbourhood patrol officer, backed by the police organization, helps the community. Members mobilize support and resources to solve problems and enhance their quality of life. Community members voice their concerns and contribute. Advice, and take action to address these concerns. Creating a constructive Partnership will require energy, creativity, understanding, and patience. of all involved.

Reinvigorating communities is essential if we are to deter crime and create more vital neighbourhoods. In some communities, it will take time to break down barriers of apathy and mistrust so that meaningful partnerships can be forged.    Trust is the value that underlies and links the components of community partnership and problem-solving. A foundation of trust will allow police to form close relationships with the community that will produce solid achievements. Without trust between police and citizens, Effective policing is impossible.



Farah Mohomed Hiran

Peace and Security Consultant.



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