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Reconciliation as the way forward in Somalia

What is the reconciliation?

According to E-international Relations “Reconciliation is a widely disputed term, there is no consensus in the literature on what reconciliation means, what it requires, what it leads to, and whether it is even desirable at all. The word’s Latin root re-conciliare (to unite again) indicates that it involves the restoration of a previously existing relationship”.

A brief history of Somalia in terms of reconciliation

In 1991, after the collapse of the military government in Somalia, the country went into an unexpected situation and the whole country entered a sad condition that connected several issues, such as death, dismastment, and so on, which also impacted the civil war. Some tribes fought against another trip, or they became hostile to one another. However, Somali scholars tried to negotiate on how to rebuild the Somali nation and stand up again. Of course, it took a long time and they were hardly able to do it well.

For a long time, civil war, political crisis, the country has faced a lot of challenges, the main one being a lack of confidence and trust in society because of war. Our brother, D-Jabuti, held the first conference and brought aspects of Somali society, including the elderly, leaders of the region, and other important people. They chose among them a new President, Abdiqasin Salaad Hassan. After that, the country encountered unexpected ways. There were Islamic groups' warlords, and also political crises during those years. In 2006, and also an Islamic group called "Maxaakim". They ruled over 90% of Somalia, so the country went to another direction. However, I'm not going to talk deeply about that issue, but I'm going to go in the straight line of what was conciliation at that moment. Yes, the country faced difficult situations, but at the time, societies required massive reconciliation. If they got that, the country would not be in a long civil war. Of course, some trips did involve reconciliation, but general reconciliation did not occur throughout the country, and still, Somalia is struggling to achieve it.

When Somali scholars are discussing the system of the Somali government or lack of trust in society, they say that "Somali leaders need to work hard to organize true reconciliation in society, which comes from the political crisis, sharing resources, and others. After that, the government also needs to listen to different ideas that come from scholars and ordinary citizens and resolve the problems.

In the last few years, Somalia has taken on the system of federalism. So the federal system has many challenges in understanding Somalia in terms of community, which renews war, whether it is a political crisis between two states bordering or sometimes linked to fighting between two clans. There is no action on reconciliation or teaching people about this system by the government. Unfortunately, some eras or regions are suffering from conflict between two tribes or states whose roots come from a variety of sources, like sharing power or land. Although they did not get reconciliation, I'm not sure if the Somali government has a policy concerning state borders, but if they do, well, there are many questions like, is it working effectively or does it have low enforcement if not, then that is the problem. Some of the states were still confused about the federal system, and they were not getting enough awareness and training about how to operate this system. That is why it is not stopping conflict within the state or between neighboring states.

However, those different cases that happened in the community show that it’s not easy to have one administration that built itself or satisfied society. That is why some states have been complaining about civil society since it was established. How does that community coexist and what is their livelihood? So, there are common things which people in the community can share, such as intercultural activities, resources, and special days like Independent Day, and there are also some points where it is necessary to work the community together.

  1. Protecting environmental security and the whole country.

  2. Supporting one another and promoting social responsibility

  3. Preventing insecurity and dangerous things in the community.

I would like to highlight some actors who are involved in reconciliation programs. Of course, there are numerous actors who have an interest in taking a huge role in filling that gap in society. These include the government, the states, the community, and others. We should pay regard to the main actors, like the federal government, civil society, and state governments.

The role of the government reconciliation

  1. Making national policy about reconciliation in the county.

  2. Driver/devolution for reconciliation from top to bottom.

  3. They should invest in the members of the federal states and the national level in reconciliation.

  4. Devolution The power/administration which builds social contracts and agreements across the country.

  5. There must be a national delegation whose work is reconciliation.

The role of the members of the federal states in reconciliation.

· It should be part of the policy and apply for reconciliation at the federal level.

· The federal member states are trying to solve the problem in the community by showing the community how to be part of it and work with them.

· They should plan for more budgets, annual years or monthly reconciliations, as well as make more efforts to coexist in the community.

· The state building halls serve as social awareness centers.

· The states must hold training, capacity-building, and empower young women.

· Building schools, driving basic education in rural pastoralist people's special war places, and ensuring the quality of education

· The state does monitor and follow its own existence in justice, equality, and human rights in the community.

· They should work for security, peace, and social cohesion and integration within society

The role of civil society for reconciliation

The civil society can participate in reconciliation process by

· Cultivating trust among conflicting parties

· Undertaking monitoring and advocacy in human rights

· Developing action programs to support the livelihood of conflict victims

· Creating access to justice and peace education

Challenges during or after reconciliation

1. Reconciliation is take time, it maybe take unknown time to happen community reconciliation while is going on conflict or war.

2. Lack of trust on of part combat, so that reason would be a huge challenge which facing mediation.

3. Lack of income or funds whether government or supporters

4. it might be difficulty to bring two combat on the table to star peace negation

5. one of fighter broke the agreements after negation

6. While talking negation or in the middle sometimes happen one side to take action which against another side whether kill or speak hates through the media.


After agreements between the two sides, the government, supporters, and community should consider environments that foster social cohesion and integration. This should be created by the government or institutions that are interested in working on reconciliation programs. Here are some points.

- Those who use firearms, particularly young people, should be provided with small businesses, competitions such as sports, and a variety of other activities.

- Women, youth, and the elderly of villages have to get workshops, training, about the importance of coexistence and reconciliation in society, and so on.

- The government should implement a variety of public projects such as schools, health centers, and centers for public awareness. In addition, they should make a wildly public mobilization in the community and also in the neighborhood.

Author: Farah Mohammed Hirane

Edited: Joe Muthoka

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