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What are the causes of youth being radicalized and what are the impacts on society and the nation?

By Farah Muhummed Hirane

What is the radicalization?

(Refer to A shour, 2009, p.4) The term "radicalism," Radicalization is a process of relative change in which a group undergoes ideological and/or behavioral transformations that lead to the rejection of democratic principles (including the peaceful alternation of power and the legitimacy of ideological and political pluralism) and possibly to the utilization of violence, or to an increase in the levels of violence, to achieve political goals.

The radicalization of young people is extremely difficult to stop, and it is extremely dangerous for them, their community, society, and nation. Everything a young person considers putting into action is either incorrect or correct, it might affect him/herself first before the community or country. Capacity, intelligence, and thought for young people are very powerful. We can’t ignore them. The youth needed to manage their thoughts for the development of the country, and the government should give them empowerment through workshops and training.

This case of radicalized youth has started several points of ideologies which are together and working together. It’s not coming in one day, but it is a process. If the country's government doesn't consider the way youth think this time, the country will lose part of society (youth power), and it is possible other groups will manage their capacity. It has been happening in Somalia. Al-Shabaab or other terrorism takes advantage of (youth) opportunities and uses insecurity, political instability, unsustainable economics, inequality in society, and lack of human rights. All terrorism groups use the power of youth in terms of attacks on governments and killing civil society.

The government, community, and others must recognize the power of youth and provide them with opportunities; youth must be included at the political table and other department of government. The youth who are in a situation of radicalization have some reasons for pushing forward or joining those groups. Those factors might include government, society, parents, friends, leaders of regions, poverty, where the individual studied or grew up, marginalized and aspects of society,

Here are some reasons young people join radical groups.

i) People who are facing a lack of integration with society or people. This point is the main reason and it’s easy to push young people into those groups. When the person is separated from others, he or she is able to talk to themselves, which can go wrong for a lot of reasons, such as a lack of a job, unhappiness, and loneliness.

ii)Because of the high rate of unemployment, the Somalia population is made up of seventy-five percent of youths, and they don’t have jobs. This problem led the younger generation in Somalia to do many dangerous things, such as joining groups, killing others, robbery, and so on. The youth have been learning different subjects for a long time. Maybe their parents don’t have enough money to buy them, but they are suffering to get an education for their children. After graduating, the parents are waiting to get money from girls or boys. So there are many questions which come from society and even parents of graduates, such as "Did you get a job? Why did you go to school if you were not getting a job? Those factors determine whether he/she will make decisions that are either incorrect or correct. Unemployment is the biggest challenge that the younger generation is facing today. When we look at the other hand, terrorism groups wave their hands at those who are jobless and teach them their ideology to become radical people.

iii) Lack of a well-educated person: Without a well-educated person, it takes a significant role to control another person's mine and use whatever they want. That is why you might find when government soldiers catch up with one of the members of AL-Shabaab and they ask him the question, "Why did you join Al-Shabaab?" The majority stated that they lacked knowledge of the Islamic religion, which is indicative of a lack of education.

iv) People’s youth, if they get opportunities that facilitate joining groups, they join and get money. My view is that in this case, the government gap because if the government does mobilization in society, the youth are hardly part of radical groups.

v) Using the internet, using aspects of social media in the wrong way, and getting any information which can increase the likelihood of joining different terrorism groups because they use the internet daily and post their ideology. If you're interested, it’s easy to join or context them. I watched a short clip about a young man who left the Al-Shabaab group and came to the government, and he said, "I found their information in the intern, especially on their page, and liked it. After that, I communicated with them, but when I joined I saw something different." That message shows us the intern has power.

How do we prevent radicalization of young people?

1. The government should learn from radical groups’ actions that happen in the country in the same style.

2. All societies must get better awareness about radicalization and its ideology.

3. The leaders of regional countries take a massive role in implementing clear action on this ideology.

4. Making societal mobilization, cohesion, and integration a reality.

5. Youth who have left radical groups in order to create jobs, skills, and raise awareness about related mindsets and ideologies.

Role of government radicalization among young people

1. There must be a rule against radicalization and it must be passed by parliament.

2. The government should establish centers for de-radicalization.

3. Ex-terrorist groups must get skills, education, and a stable life.

4. The government must buy more budget to fight ideology and radicalism.

5. Government should create space that can build youth amarelle and centers for awareness.

Role of society in preventing youth radicalization.

1. They have to ignore/reject the ideology which is not correct in the Islamic region.

2. The family has unity.

3. They make an organization that has work orientation and mobilization in society.

4. Society must have good cooperation with the government, especially in the District and so on.

5. The society reports cases that have been witnessed or occurred that violate the rule of law or pose a threat to society.

Conclusion and recommendations

This case of youth radicalization has existed everywhere and maybe it caused political issues, regions, poverty, and ethnic marginalization. My suggestion to the government is

  • People with high intelligence must be developed.

  • To work with aspects of society and create jobs

  • To reduce poverty and give youth space in terms of political

  • To build a strong educational system.

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